Set Xrange and Yrange

Suppose you'd like to limit the range for X axis in your plot. You can do it with set xr [Start:End]. For example, if you add the below line to the previous gnuplot file,



set output '2.png'

set terminal png truecolor            # Set output type to png
set grid                              # Turn on grid in plot

set title "Channel 1 & Channel 2"

set xlabel "Time (milli S)"
set ylabel "Voltage (Volt)"

# Enable when columns are separated by commas (CSV)
set datafile separator ","

set xr [0:8.5]

plot '2.csv' using 1:2 with lines title 'Channel 1', \
     '2.csv' using 1:3 with lines title 'Channel 2'

The output will be limited from 0 to 8.5 in X. Similarly, you can use set yr [Start:End].


Next: Set Xtic, Ytic

Last Updated: 8/16/2018, 5:21:27 PM